

Are you looking for a secure and protected accommodation for your boat during the winter months in Mallorca? Then you’re in the right place. We offer high-quality solutions for the storage of your boat during the cold season.

Our winter storage spaces are secure and well-protected to shield your boat from damages caused by weather conditions and other risks. We also provide individual care and maintenance for your boat during storage, ensuring that your boat is in the best hands.

In addition to our winter storage spaces, we offer various other services for your boat, such as repairs and maintenance, transportation and delivery services, cleaning, surveillance, and much more.


  • Safe and Secure Storage
  • Indoor and Outdoor Storage
  • Maintenance and Care
  • Long-Term Storage
  • Options Transparent Prices

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We find your dream yacht.

Fill out our form, and we will get back to you promptly.


Мы найдем вашу мечтаную яхту.

Заполните нашу форму, и мы свяжемся с вами в ближайшее время.





Encontramos su yate de ensueño.

Complete nuestro formulario y nos pondremos en contacto con usted a la brevedad.


Der Rechner

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Wir finden ihre Traumyacht.

Füllen Sie unser Formular und wir werden uns kurzfristig bei Ihnen melden.